Flags El SalvadorHISTORY

  • Background


  • Terrain
  • Climate
  • Natural Resources & Natural Hazzards



  • Population
  • Ethnic Groups & Language
  • Dieases
  • Education & Jobs



  • Culture
  • Religion






It is said that the Pipils Indians, which are descendants of the Aztecs migrated to the region in the 11th century. As time passed in 1525, Pedro de Alvarado, which was a lieutenant of Cortes, conquered El Salvador marking the territory as theirs. With decades passing by El Salvador, with other countries of Central America, declared their independence from Spain on September 15, 1821, this independence created a federation of Central American states that dissolved in 1838. For decades, after releasing themselves from the ruling of Spain, El Salvador experienced numerous revolutions and wars against other Central American republics and with those struggles there came a series of military dictatorships from 1931 to 1979. During these military dictatorships, in 1969 El Salvador invaded Honduras after Honduran landowners deported thousands of Salvadorans. It became known as the “football war” since it broke out during a soccer game between both republics, lasting four days. A year later in the 1970’s a civil war broke loose as there was a discontent between the poor people and the military power. The antigovernment guerrilla units had a leading group called the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) and the government group National Conciliation Party (PCN), being the party that had the military power at that time. The U.S. intervened on the side of the military dictatorship, regardless of the fact that human rights were being violated. Between the years of 1979 and 1981 there was an estimate of 30,000 people killed. A modern civilian Jose Napoleon Duarte was president from 1984 to 1989 and tried to stop the war, but was unsuccessful. In 1989, Alfredo Cristiani from the National Republican Alliance (ARENA) was elected and was successful to have a signed peace treaty with the guerrilla forces, on January 16, 1992, formally ending the 12 year civil war that killed an estimated total of 75,000 people. In 2004 Antonio Saca of ARENA was elected president and with that the nation implemented a free-trade agreement (CAFTA) with the U.S. in March 2006. In 2009 Mauricio Funes a member of the FMLN party was elected president in March 2009 ending the two decades of conservative rule in El Salvador.


In the Name of the People : El Salvador's Civil War 1985 Documentary

This documentary is based on the U.S. involvement in the Civil War of El Salvador



El Salvador is in Central America as it is bordering the North Pacific Ocean, between Guatemala and Honduras. To have an exact location the geographic coordinates are 13 50 N, 88 55 W. The broader aspect of El Salvador’s is combined with other surrounding countries as they are all referred to as Central America and the Caribbean. El Salvador itself is not an enormous country as the total consists of 21,041 sq km, this includes the land and the water, and when comparing its size to the United States of America, it is equivalent to a slightly smaller size than Massachusetts. Considering the bordering countries are Guatemala and Honduras, the total land boundaries it shares is a total of 545 km and the coastline boundary is 307 km. El Salvador’s terrain is mostly made up of mountains with a narrow coastal belt and central plateau. It has elevation extremes which consist of the lowest point being the Pacific Ocean of 0 meters and the highest point of elevation of the Cerro El Pital being 2,730 meters.


El Salvador has a tropical environment as the rainy season is on May to October and the dry season is from November to April. It is considered to be tropical on the coast and temperate in the uplands. The climate is differs within the season as it differs in any other country, however, El Salvador never really gets cold since it’s on the equator, meaning it will always be warmer and humid rather than cold and rainy.


The country is small, but it has some natural resources that are helpful to the country and others. The natural resources consist of having hydropower, geothermal power, petroleum and arable land. However, with these resources it includes having natural hazards, for example, volcanoes as there are frequent and sometimes destructive earthquakes, since the construction of the buildings and homes are inadequately built, giving the fact that the homes are built from sheets of metal, wood or cement. The other natural hazards are the hurricanes which not only affects the country but other countries surrounding it. El Salvador is most likely to struggle after natural disasters since its resources like water, food and electricity are hard to come by. Even though fruits are not a part of the natural resources, it does have an abundance of fruits that the people live off, as they eat it and sell it to make a profit.  There are other environmental issues that are a struggle for the people and their resources as deforestation, soil erosion, water pollution and contaminated soil from the disposal of toxic wastes seemingly is occurring often in this country.



As of July 2012 the total population within the country is around 6,090,646 people. However, there are many age structures to consider, but the majority of the population is between the ages 25 to 54 years of age. Based on the CIA world factbook the population growth is at 0.303% as of 2012. The birth rate is determined by every 1,000 people, meaning it is 17.44 births for every 1,000 people, and with that being established they have determined that there are 2 children born for every woman.  The death rate is 5.63 deaths for every 1,000 people. The net migration is calculated the same way -8.78 migrants/1,000 people. The total sex ratio is calculated by males over females and in this case it is 0.93 males for every female as of 2011. The expectancy of life isn’t as high as that of the United States still it stays average as for males its life expectancy is at an average of 70 years of age and for females it is 77 years of age. The population has many ways of changing as it also depends of natural disasters, famine, diseases, climate and many other factors which help determine the population in the end.



The ethnic groups vary since of the history the country contains, meaning there are 86.3% mestizo, meaning a mixture between the Spanish, as in Spain, and the original people from the land, as in the Indigenous people. Therefore, the person that is mestizo is neither whole European nor Indigenous. The other 12.7%  is white and the 1% is Amerindian as of 2007 from the census. The official language is Spanish but among some Amerindians the language spoken is Nahua. Languages will vary according from country to country, but primarily the official language in  Central America is Spanish.



There is always a risk of getting any kind of disease, however some countries risk of obtaining a particular disease is high and that is the case for El Salvador, as there are many ways of obtaining a disease. One way would be food or waterborne diseases, since the water system isn’t built properly in the poorer countryside and with that there is a chance of bacterial diarrhea, hepatitis A, and typhoid fever; these diseases are only through food and waterborne. The vector borne diseases would be the dengue fever that is transported by mosquitoes, since El Salvador is abundant in mosquitoes, especially during nighttime. The water contact disease most common is Leptospirosis as it is a severe bacterial infection that occurs when people are exposed to certain environments. Last but not lease is AIDS and HIV as it is common in every country even Salvador which has an estimated of 34,000 people living with HIV and AIDS as of 2009. Diseases are everywhere but every country has certain diseases it is most known for.



Education is very important no matter where you go, but still there are countries that lack the ability to educate its society and a portion of the illiteracy is why El Salvador is known to be a third world country. The total school life expectancy is up to 12 years of academics as it is not required but the basic as what High school is to the U.S. Many kids drop out of school as the interest in academics is not high as they rather be working and receiving money. But it’s not only because they need to start working, it’s also because the tuition to attend a University is to high and an unreachable goal for many. The lack of education then leads to unemployment as for men it is 13% are unemployed and for women 8.3% are unemployed; for a grand total of 11.4% unemployed. However, that percentage given before was only for the youth ages between 15 and 24; meaning there are more as we widen the age group.